


  • 在线询价
  • 产品名称:AQ6317C.jpg光谱分析仪
  • 型号:AQ6317C.jpg
  • 品牌:横河
  • 价格:250000
  • 市场价:140000
  • 主要特点:AQ6315A AQ6315B AQ6315C AQ6315E The AQ6315E optical spectrum analyzer (OSA) is an improved version
  • 描述:  长期求购 AQ6315A  AQ6315B AQ6315C AQ6315E
    联系: 邹先生联系人: 邹琼斌 
    手  机:13168918785 / 18098918085
    Q    Q:772149346
    电  话: 400-7888159
    传  真: 0755-82437689
    邮  箱:zqb13168918785@163.com 
    网  址:http://zqb13168918785.1688.com/

    AQ6315A  AQ6315B AQ6315C AQ6315E  AQ6317C
    AQ6317C.jpg optical spectrum analyzer (OSA) is an improved version of
    the well known Ando AQ6315A. This OSA can do spectrally resolved
    intensity measurements in the range of 350 to 1750 nm with a wavelength
    accuracy better than 0.05 nm and supports single-pass/double-pass
    monochromator mode select. In the single-pass monochromator mode, it
    supports the same wide range of applications as previous models. In the
    double-pass monochromator mode, the dynamic range is improved to
    -90dBm. The system is sensitive enough to measure light intensities as
    low as a few picowatts, and in a single measurement can cover a dynamic
    range of seven orders of magnitude, allowing for the simultaneous
    viewing of low intensity and high intensity signals such as spontaneous
    emission and laser emission from a laser cavity. It has several
    integrated measurement modes, from simple optical absorption
    measurements to full optical amplifier parameter analysis. This unit
    supports diverse analysis functions for DWDM and other optical devices
    (LD, LED, FBG, etc). 
    This unit has the following specifications:
    Wavelength Range: 350 - 1750 nm 
    Resolution: 0.05 nm 
    Sensitivity: -65 dBm 
    Maximum Power: +20 dBm 
    High wavelength accuracy: ? 0.05 nm wavelength accuracy in the 1550 nm band, with ? 0.02 nm wavelength 

    备注 长期:( 收购 销售 维修 租赁):
    示波器 网络分析仪 综合测试仪  频谱分析仪  信号发生器  噪声系数分析仪  音频分析仪 数字万用表  表程控电源  功率计  频率计  阻抗分析仪 视频分析仪  函数信号发生器  LCR电子测试仪 电子负载万 用表校准仪  示波器校准仪  高压机    数据采集器   接收/发射机   测量接收机  电缆/天线分析仪  调制度分析仪  蓝牙综测仪  GPIB卡等